Everything Reseda-esque... sporadically published news, trivia & links about the neighborhood and its neighbors

_________ A CIVIC BLOG


KUDOS, teacher of the year:
steven hines of reseda high school was among those named a teacher of the year by the encino chamber and time warner cable, reports the daily news.

CITY GOVT, lapd:
from the dennis mccarthy column of 6-7, for the lapd division in reseda: "The Los Angeles Police Department's West Valley Boosters -- a community support group that provides West Valley Division officers with equipment like digital cameras and computers not provided by the city -- is having its fourth annual golf tournament June 28 at The Cascades Golf Club in Sylmar.

Even if you're not a golfer or cannot play that day, you can be part of this fund-raiser by becoming an adopt-a-cop sponsor, says Ellie Vargas, president of the Boosters organization.

For entry fee information call the West Valley Division Community Relations office at (818) 756-8406. "

and this traffic safety advice comes from the west valley's senior lead officer by way of the encino chamber's site.

blogmeister matt welch predicts, that in a year, all of l.a.'s neighborhoods will have blogs dedicated to them, citing this one as an example. thanks matt.