Everything Reseda-esque... sporadically published news, trivia & links about the neighborhood and its neighbors

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POP CULTURE, reminiscing:
an email from reseda native DeliTCat has her recalling: "Merle Haggard and Kinky Friedman at the County Club before the urban cowboy pop country thing went bust" and establishes her reseda ''creds'' by knowing that before, the country club was a sav-on drug store. "One piece of movie trivia you want to add is that the exteriors of the house Wayne lived in in the first "Wayne's World" movie was shot at a house on Texhoma between Hart and Enadia Way." that (a movie database site) doesn't mention reseda isn't surprising, as it only lists 21 movies specifically filmed in the valley... which wouldn't be 1 month's tally. she notes it's not "technically" reseda. for a place with boundaries as fluid as poland, it was once undoubtedly reseda. tho now a silverlake resident, she"loved hanging out with Richard and Rene when they ran Be Bop Records. My favorite band that played there was the Victor Banana."