Everything Reseda-esque... sporadically published news, trivia & links about the neighborhood and its neighbors

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36 years ago, this week

REARVIEW: Miss Teen Reseda, Terry Scott, 15, stands in the back row, at the photographer's left, among the entrants in the "Miss Teen Western United States" competition whose finals were Apr 2,'69, with the winner becoming eligible for the Miss Teen U.S.A. competition the next day. Events were in conjunction with a teen expo event at the Hollywood Palladium. Venue touts it's "the longest operating venue in Los Angeles. It was opened in September 23, 1940 with Frank Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra."
:::::Ed.note-- Having been to dozens of concerts there from punk to goth to disco, it's fair to guess if the ventilation system hasn't been upgraded.:::::
Photo via the stupendous CSUN Digital Library.