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TERRI SCHIAVO: The LA Times sent three writers to interview Easter day church-goers. At the Church of Rocky Peak in Chatsworth (:::::Ed.note-- Set at one of the most beautiful spots in the Valley.:::::) was a Resedan sure that the years of litigation was too fast and testimony by witnesses was hearsay.
"The whole thing just smells fishy to me," said John Wiens, a contractor from Reseda who was celebrating Easter at the Chatsworth church. The people who want to prevent Schiavo's feeding tube from being reinserted, he added, are "trying to push this thing through so fast they aren't looking at all the facts," among them the opinion voiced by some experts and doctors that there's still hope for the Florida woman, he said.

Wiens said it would be wrong to speculate on Schiavo's wishes, because she can't speak for herself and had not written them down before she fell ill.

"Without written consent, you have to err on the side of life," said Wiens, 39. "You can't assume what she wanted based on hearsay."