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"The Holidays are Here...

NEIGHBORHOOD: ... and We're Still at War." Brett Dennen offers this Christmas song on a free download at his site. NPR did a report on him. He plays Wednesday in Laguna and Saturday, Jan. 7 at 8pm (info) at the Pickin Parlor, 17828 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills as part of the The Blue Ridge Pickin' Parlor - Acoustic Series. Tickets are $15, $10 in advance. For info, (818) 282-9001.

:::: Ed. note -- Song is as good a seasonal tune as any new song since "Do They Know it's Christmas," evoking the slice of life/capture the moment quality of the masterpiece pop tune "Boy in the Bubble" by Paul Simon. :::

Song ends with these poignant thoughts:
Say a prayer for the less fortunate;
Prisoners, soldiers you never have met
Understand what it is they are fighting for;
Say a prayer for your enemies,
A prayer for their victims and their families;
The holidays are here and we’re still at war.