Everything Reseda-esque... sporadically published news, trivia & links about the neighborhood and its neighbors

_________ A CIVIC BLOG


I mean it's all true mostly, but... really... Van Nuys? ... I mean really ... Get real.

ONE TO THE CHIN: Blog Here in Van Nuys went harvesting CSUN's San Fernando Valley Issues Digital Library and found a cool shot of circa-'50s Reseda. He wrapped it in a harsh but apt slam on Reseda:
Yet 50 years later Reseda Boulevard is still a shabby, ugly, broken down street. The good thing is that cheap restaurants, bicycle stores, taco stands, vacuum repair outlets and pawn shops are also useful to earning a living.

It looks defensive to site the lack of taco stands and vacuum repair outlets on Reseda Boulevard.
Reseda once was the gateway for middle class families to buy a starter home and eventually move upwards and onwards. Now the starter home is half a million dollars. But Reseda Bouleveard looks like the main drag of a depressed area. Where are the leaders, the homeowners, the architects, the dreamers, the Mayor and the City Council who could turn this underutilized and wretched boulevard into a beautiful and aesthetic urban experience?

Actually, the CRA has the Reseda Theater rehab underway and soon the towers of powerlines will be gone as the overhead wiring goes underground. Things are changing. But it's harder when city attention is drawn just north, east, south and west of us (Northridge, Van Nuys, Tarzana, Canoga Park). Those folks about whom you ask, "Where are they?" Well, they're here. They could use your help.

Blogger Andrew, "that's Mr. Andrew to you," isn't afraid to show Van Nuys, warts and all. Archive has a similar (but different) Reseda photo, "Lots for sale to coloreds only." Pre-Bakke, obviously. But how's Reseda like something small and Swiss? :::: Ed. note-- Because we're cheesey and have all those holes? ::: He makes some other oblique comparisons too. But seems it's Tarzana that's hell on earth.